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Remote Monitoring

Alert Programming Optimization

As Clinicians, We Get It.

Who you choose to trust your patients with is a huge decision. That’s why we only hire registered nurses with 5+ years of device management experience and a passion for the patients they serve. More and more patients have devices today than ever. Thanks to Bluetooth technology and wireless communication, data is more meaningful and is received much faster. While this is a great opportunity to improve patient care…it's also a sizable burden for device clinics. With so much data coming in, staying current can be a real challenge. That’s where we come in…to meet you where you’re at so you can get to where you’re going.

Here’s the process that will get us the results you’re after:

Our team will provide the technical review of remote transmissions; prioritizing alert transmissions and allowing for timely review by physicians. With our team’s expertise we will reduce your clinic’s workload and adapt to your specific clinic needs. What would you do if you did not have to look at 92% of your remote transmissions? Your staff can get back to what they do best, caring for your patients.

Keeping patients connected is an ongoing challenge for device clinics. Our administrative team is trained in all vendor remote equipment and can help keep your patients connected and transmitting.

Alert transmissions require immediate attention. Caring for device patients well requires that alerts are programmed as clinically appropriate to ensure data is received regarding clinically actionable events. Additionally, alerts that are inappropriately programmed can cause increased burden for clinics without providing improved patient care. Our team can evaluate how alerts are programmed for your clinic and offer optimization suggestions.

Let us show you how compliance can increase with focused attention on disconnected monitors and a streamlined workflow. There are numerous studies outlining the benefits of remote monitoring for patients and it holds a Class 1 recommendation from the Heart Rhythm Society.

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